Your Offer Code: WEB2479

Men's Jewelry

You’re a rare breed. Someone who doesn’t follow the ever-changing parade of techno trends. You value tradition. You like history. You lean toward classic and enduring style. We know that about you, so we made sure our men’s jewelry line delivers luxury without puffery.

Item# 52743
$1077.00 $399.00
Item# 53436
$598.00 $129.00
Item# 52741
$499.00 $199.00
Item# 52997
$795.00 $199.00
Item# 55279
$399.00 $149.00
Item# 58059
$299.00 $129.00
Item# 58948
$199.00 $149.00
Item# 55074
$378.00 $79.00
Item# 52742
$578.00 $229.00
Item# 52998
$954.00 $299.00
Item# WA062
$299.00 $79.00
Item# WA648
$399.00 $99.00
Item# W4652
$299.00 $79.00
Item# W4507
$499.00 $199.00
Item# W3976
$499.00 $199.00
Item# W4933
$399.00 $149.00
Item# W9384
$399.00 $149.00
Item# W9397
$599.00 $299.00
Item# W3686
$695.00 $199.00
Item# W3712
$399.00 $99.00
Item# W3088
$399.00 $149.00
Item# W1662
$999.00 $499.00

The Stauer Promise